19 Sep, 2024

Ten thousand troops of Tianchi armored regiment entered the square one after another, and then the rainbow arch bridge disappeared.

After the armored regiment mercenaries were settled, the head of the regiment went to the camp to inquire about the situation. When he came back, his face looked a little low. "Director Ding, what can I do for you?" Xiao Lingyu is now a senior colonel of the armored regiment, and he is closer. He […]

11 mins read

Originally, the three children were from short to high. When Han Xilang walked over, he was naturally the tallest. He squatted up and couldn’t help but say, "Four squares … are full!"

"Ha ha …" Hang Ningdai laughed and stretched out her hand to cover her face, but she couldn’t hide her smile. "Haha …" How long has it been since she laughed so hard? Han Xilang see her smile mood also follow better "satisfied? The signal is full … "For more exciting novels, please go to […]

3 mins read

Jin Yizheng’s glittering dancing is really attracting the attention of beautiful women (plus more will arrive soon)

The second volume The world of mortals Move Chapter one hundred and sixteen Three small mi bees fly into the flowers (plus more) The second volume The world of mortals Move Chapter one hundred and sixteen Three small mi bees fly into the flowers (plus more) As a result, I haven’t had breakfast yet, and […]

17 mins read

Yu Long laughed. "It’s called double insurance, Phelps. It’s really good for me. I just want you to get along with us. We’re good for you. Don’t you want to really beat Hall and get back everything that belongs to you?"

"Big Brother!" Phelps was depressed. "In fact, if you don’t do this, I will get along with you. You have almost sealed off all my retreat. What do you think I can do except get along with you? I have no way out. " "You can think like this!" Yu Long said. "Xiaoyu, you don’t […]

8 mins read

However, it is not very clear that Mei Qing once worshipped Zhang Shisan and learned from the bitter masters, even 6 Bing, etc. Tao Zhongwen naturally does not know much about it.

Now, seeing Zhang Shisan, this mysterious road is still on the side, but it is a wave of unrest and suffering. The Buddhist monk, who is famous for killing gods this day, has come to claim that Mei Qing is also his apprentice. Look at this group of people behind him. Although Tao Zhongwen can’t […]

18 mins read

Killing the lion emperor is the demon king, which is his ultimate dream. He longs for this blood blade to drink the neck blood of the demon kings heartily.

After eating, I had a short rest. Gu Teng tied a bunch of blood blades. He decided to cross Kaman fortress at night and go straight to Golden Lion Imperial City, where he would once again set off a blood shed. It’s been three years. Have you forgotten the bloody killing three years ago? It […]

9 mins read

Dust is proficient in destiny, and it can be seen that this Qinglong seems to have some connection with the East Pole.

Plus the tsing lung perfect cyan proficient in wood road faint dust seems to perceive something. Yuan Heng looked at Qinglong thoughtfully, and suddenly his heart seemed to grasp something and feel a kind of chance. Qinglong Qinglong … East wood road East Pole … Dongji and Qinglong … Lian? "So that’s it!" Yuan heng […]

8 mins read