13 mins read

Zhang Yi went to Taiwan to look at these passionate young people, and my heart was not surging.

Zhang Yi waved his arm and shouted, "Students, it’s just that you, Dean Xu, told you that I will let you know what a real soldier is. Some of you may wonder if we all became soldiers when we stepped into blood sugar."
You are all wet!
What is a real soldier?
First of all, you should be really responsible for the white soldiers!
Among you, there are brothers who have risked my life and death, and there are also newly recruited students. Today, everyone has gathered here to come to the armament school. What did we do here?
Do you know how to learn martial arts well and sell it to the emperor’s family? Some people will say that it is your dream to be angry with the horse and pike. Anything will say that you just want to make a living, and at least you have an imperial salary as a soldier.
But soldiers, these are not what we should have a purpose!
Soldiers are a sacred profession! Soldiers have a pride and dignity that the world can’t have! At the same time, it also has a job that ordinary people don’t have
Responsibility! Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the sky, but the heaviest responsibility will fall on our soldiers! This time last year, the general followed the late general Nie Gongting to North Korea to fight against the Japanese pirates. This is when Cang Lang came into being! Many of my classmates came out of Cang Lang and graduated from training in Cang Lang. At that time, I told them that the ultimate duty of our soldiers is to defend our country, that is, to be a great China! We want to protect China’s tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, 40 million blood is thicker than water, and our parents and compatriots want to protect our ancestors who left us five thousand years of incense! This is what we * * people blame for, so that you can understand the true meaning of a soldier!
Chapter two hundred and fifty-five Real soldiers II
"Since the Sino-British Opium War fifty-four years ago, our Chinese people have become increasingly decadent and the people’s livelihood has withered. The poor opium has left a legacy of Wan Li. Do we China people and ancestors leave us with vigor? Without it, we have become cowardly, selfish, conservative and lazy!
Our title of sick man of East Asia has been called by western powers for decades, and we have been humiliated by British and French powers for decades. Our great mountains and rivers are facing fragmentation. Southeast Taiwan Province, Southwest Vietnam, * *, Northwest Ili and Northeast Xing ‘an Mountains are plundered by foreign bandits one by one! Is there any way out for us? No!
Do we have a way out?
Yes! Where is the way?
As the old saying goes, Tian Xingjian should strive for self-improvement!
This is what our ancestors left us!
If we don’t strive for self-improvement, our parents and sisters will still be bullied; If we don’t strive for self-improvement, we will leave our grandchildren with humiliation and tears; If we don’t strive for self-improvement, the Japanese ghosts will fight back with long guns and cannons!
Why should we learn military affairs? Because we want to be strong, we should not be bullied by Britain, America, France and Russia any more. They all went to our yard to rob things. Are we still men if we don’t beat them?
However, how to fight is now the flag brother, the master soldiers and the green campers who know how to bully the people. They can’t even hit a mule ten meters away with one shot. How can they fight and beat the bandits like wolves!
So we will study and train Jingwu Qiang Bing! We want to build a truly powerful army in the world and build a strong army in the three northeastern provinces.
It is ordered that Lekou appall’s strong military envoy dare not spy on our Chinese territory at will!
Self-improvement, self-reliance, self-esteem and self-love! China rises and strives hard! You see, this is the motto of our Fengtian armament school, and these characters are engraved on the Jingwu monument outside the gate.
I ask you to engrave them in your heart. If you want to be my Zhang Yi hand student and become my Zhang Yi hand soldier, you must first respect yourself, love yourself and strive for self-improvement! Look at the instructors across from you. They are all generals, and the instructors who are heavily hired are all first-class talents. What I just said is just that they believe that soldiers are born to do this. They are all real professional soldiers and first-class elite soldiers in this world. Their only goal is not to let the country and the army bully Germany. Your future goal is to be like them!
As long as you work hard, I promise you will be as famous as Cang Lang. Work hard, Chinese athletes. We don’t work for the court, we don’t make a living by ourselves, we fight for our parents, wives and children, and we fight for our grandchildren! It’s beautiful homeland!
You are the strongest steel backbone for the rise of China in the future! "
Zhang Yi didn’t think that he could speak such inspiring words today. From the time he came to this era, he deeply felt the sadness of backwardness. Nai tried his best to kill the Japanese, and in an instant, others worked hard to accumulate their advantages.
In the end, we had to rely on Germany to complete the peace talks.
To his humiliation, he had to accept that North Korea belonged to Japan in disguised form, and it was really outrageous to maintain a semi-* * state in Taiwan Province. If he had come to this era a few years earlier, he would have worked so hard for the whole army.
Looking at the lively faces in front of me, I thought that Zhang Yi had been excited for more than a year, and the more I spoke, the more passionate I became.
The Martial Arts School is not passionate. Almost all the people here are young people in their thirties, and very few of them are over thirty and over forty. There is almost no legitimate blood gas. The age is inspired by Zhang Yi’s words. The blood gas is surging and echoing!
"Self-respect and independence!"
"Self-improvement and self-love!"
"The rise of China!"
"The rise of China!"
Some students left tears of excitement. Even Xu Huaijin, who has always been calm, has wet eyes. He has been following Zhang Yi around and getting along with him day and night. Naturally, he knows that Zhang Yi has been under pressure and he also knows Zhang Yi’s ambition! The instructor pulled himself up from the grass and gave himself an unheard-of military theory, and at the same time gave himself a great stage to display himself. If he dies, he will be worthy of the instructor’s lesson and kindness!
Behind the viewing platform, the instructors did not move the Chinese tiger. This is the famous Chinese tiger in the world. It was indeed a China tiger. Since then, I am afraid that China will never bully China because of China.
With their own, tigers will choose people to eat at any time!
This speech is so powerful. It’s a sharp knife! This is a trumpet-blowing battle essay, and we must translate it and go back to Germany!
German military instructors thought so in their hearts.
Then it’s time to study in different classes.
At this time, a red figure rushed to Zhang Yi’s side and stared at Zhang Yi and said, "Brother Yi, I have to enter the armament school and I have to receive training!"
Zhang yi see nai laughed "Shi Yun here is a military school is not where you girls stay! If you want to learn something, wait for half a year at most, and the school of engineering will be built one after another. But you can apply for it at will, but you can’t do it this time. It’s all big men here. Are you a girl in this trip? "
Shi Yun thin nu way "what can’t women can’t fight? I have been listening to my grandfather tell me the story of Mulan since I was a child. Is Mu Guiying in command? In ancient times, women were allowed to lead troops to war, but now we are not allowed to lead troops to war in the world? What is your reason? Why can’t I? I not only have to study but also form a female army! " Zhang Yi is a big man. Recently, he has been entangled in Shi Yun’s head. He usually needs a little leisure. This girl doesn’t know that she has jumped out of the room and pestered herself to ask questions. Otherwise, she will have to take her own letter to swim the streets. Zhang Yihu once said something wrong and let furious pepper pull it out directly to practice alone. Zhang Yihu didn’t dare to go out for several days.
Seeing people is really can’t afford to provoke, and it’s still a stone old man who loves his grandson. How can you endure it?
Chapter two hundred and fifty-six Rebuilding Gankun again
Taishida stood up angrily and said, "Yuner, this is no place for you to fool around. Get out!"
Shi Yun held her head high. "Why don’t you let me learn! I’m no worse than their boys. A tiger is no match for me. Why can’t I lead troops to fight? I just want to learn! "
In the crowd, Zhang Yihu’s face was painstakingly shocked. Gu, if you win, you will win. What are you clamoring for? Do you still have the face to see people?
Suddenly, Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Good rhyme, since you want to learn, don’t learn here. I’ll send you to the best place to learn, but you must hold on for me. Don’t blame me if you cry!"
Shi Yun didn’t say, "What’s the big deal? I can’t stay with you? However, I will participate in the armament school, and he and I will not participate! "
Zhang Yi laughed. "Rhyme, what if I send you to Cang Lang? Are you going or not? "
Shi Yun, who was angry, was shocked and dumbfounded when he heard Zhang Yi’s words. Cang Lang, it was the highest honor for all soldiers to enter Fengtian’s 40,000-strong army. When they entered Cang Lang, it was a powerful and terrible certificate.
Shi Yun gawk said "into Cang Lang? Really? You’re telling the truth? Zhang Yi, you can’t lie to me! "
Zhang yi ha ha laughs "cheat you do what are you doing in armament school? Do you study military? Your grandfather is the highest military. Are you afraid that you won’t be able to direct the war with his teaching? Entering the armament school, I can let you learn the most exquisite skills and make you born.
Do you want to go? "
Shi Yun agreed to come without hesitation.
Zhang Yi said, "OK, then we have a deal. You need to choose five women for half a month. You will enter Cang Lang to train together. I’m worried that you are too lonely. There are five or six people who can form a group. You can become the first female Cang Lang in the future!"
Shi Yun’s heart is beautiful as hell. After that, Cang Lang was Zhang Yi’s first office, which is one step closer to his goal.