7 mins read

"Su Yu, I will kill you after today!"

"Damn Terran Su Yu!"
"Get out of the scope of punishment!"
The saints of all ethnic groups should be careful not to step into the scope of the heavenly punishment, but also be careful to punish Su Yu next to the heavenly punishment!
Panic, hiding from heaven and punishing the saints look like playing in the jungle, and Su Yu and all kinds of escapes seem to leave Su Yu.
Seeing the saints’ hearts humbled.
When can a quasi-saint catch a saint and play with him!
The divine punishment is very powerful, and the purple and black thunder of the saint is chopped to death. The saints who reluctantly took Lingbao to fight against the divine punishment soon tasted the taste of Su Yu’s suffering from the divine punishment.
"Oh, no, Su Yu has gone to those quasi-saints!"
"Ah, saint, help me!"
"I can’t run away. I’m sorry, brother!"
Floating sword means blessing a group of quasi-holy roots to escape
Even if they are blessed by Lingbao and punished by Heaven and Thunder, the saints will be blown into a pile of slag.
In order to avoid lightning, some foreigners even abandoned their compatriots, but this still failed to make them lucky.
Hundreds of quasi-saints have fallen in a flash.
"Terran Su Yu!"
The saints roared, "Damn it, Su Yu has something to do, don’t come here!"
"Don’t run if you have something to do!"
Su Yu black hair flying, black eyes bright Su Yu floating in a white dress and standing wantonly laughed. "Aren’t you going to kill me? I came over, and you didn’t kill me, but you ran? You’re such a great saint! In the face of the sky robbery, one by one is so embarrassed! "
Nowadays, the scope of lightning is too large, and all saints resist the attack of lightning.
Thunder bursts into the sky, as if the universe was furious.
How can there be so many saints to help this Du Jie!
In addition to robbing Su Yu, the whole punishment can be shuttled easily. With the increase of the energy of the punishment and lightning, ordinary saints have fallen into the lightning one after another
"Now this day, thunder has suppressed our saints and killed several Su Yu at the same level, but it was safe."
"Just a quasi-saint should dare to be so arrogant."
"You brothers can move quickly and beat the Terran Su Yu out of our range."
"I am responsible for wounding him."
Staring at the figure of Su Yu’s punishment, a group of saints have fallen, and many compatriots have not said that they have been suppressed by the punishment.
And Su Yu, a quasi-saint, is like a hedgehog, where many people run, where people see him running, and where people are scattered!
This feeling is really humbled!
Chapter 4 Repair the Holy Road!
Dozens of saints were held and played by a terran quasi-saint, which made them angry from embarrassment.
In particular, Xuan Xuan, a top saint, did not avoid it!
"Su Yu’s life is coming!"
Xuanxuan binge drank a Lingbao Xuanxuan attack and seized the opportunity to blow Su Yu to the ground.
"boom! ! !”
The ground is deeply immersed in hundreds of feet, forming a side collapse, and hundreds of meters are holes!
If it weren’t for the special environment of the ruins and the remains of the venerable man, this ruins would have disappeared long ago!
Su Yu didn’t guard against being hit by the top holy man. Even though the divination purple ribbon fairy clothes have the heart to protect the spirit tide, there is still most power to bomb Su Yu.
Su Yu was reduced to the original size as soon as she left the punishment without sensing the helper.
The heavenly punishment is fair. After the helper was identified, Su Yu, the robber, was also punished by the corresponding heavenly thunder!
The huge sky thunder Lei Yun rolling black thunder has evolved into purple gold thunder.
Thunder is enough to kill a top saint this day!
The last thunder roared like a dragon and went to Su Yu.
At this time, Su Yu, who reached out and was seriously injured, resisted lightning.
Su Yu of all ethnic groups was struck by lightning, and his breath was twisted out.
The thunder of the sky also dissipates instantly after Su Yu’s breath is twisted out.
"Su Yu’s breath is gone."
"I also feel that Sue’s killing God has become history."
"Ha ha!"
"A generation of Terran emperors have fallen!"
"Even so, all ethnic groups have paid a painful price."
Su Yu’s breath twisted Su Yu’s hostile ethnic groups rejoiced, while all ethnic groups expressed slight regret.
And the thunder was over when I really supported the sending of two venerable people, Di Lao and Long Shi, from Wusheng Pavilion.
"How did De Lao do this?"
Dragon master feel Su Yu breath eyebrows light Cu toward the side DE old asked.
Sensing that Su Yu was under attack, the two of them rushed over after processing.
I didn’t expect to come too late.
"Wait a minute. I don’t think things are that simple. Su Yu won’t die so easily!"
De Lao stared at Su Yu’s "myth" outside the territory, and the king James would not fall easily.
The Dragon Master replied lightly and took a position near Wang Chuan Ku and other terrans, always on the alert for his racial venerable people.
Although the Venerable Master Fox Nine didn’t stop fighting, the Venerable Master of the Living Alien couldn’t help laughing loudly.
"Ha ha ha! Good death! "
"I finally killed him!"
Su Yu, the annoying Terran, finally died, which is a great event!
Although Wang Chuan Ku and others have the protection of Fox Nine, they still want to rush to find out Su Yu’s situation.
The saints who besieged Su Yu by Nai had long been vigilant against Su Yu, so they would never confirm that Su Yu had left here before his death.
As the saints thought, Su Yu did not fall.
The rule of sanctifying heaven is not finished. Su Yu was about to fall. At that moment, her mind suddenly became clear.
His mind has become a state of cultivation in a tree hole, which is the closest to the state of heaven. The whole person is in a daze, but it seems that he can see the wisps of the cosmic source
Life and death Su Yu is very white about what she needs and what to do.
He was back to the rules of the universe and condensed the dead, and Su Yu’s body was slowly changing.
There is a broken tail left in the rule of heaven that has not been repaired.
Even the punishment of heaven has appeared, and the last step of sanctification can be achieved at the top!
The practitioner is a fate-changing person, and there is a fine line between life and death.