13 mins read

The cleanest area where people were washed in the center of the Great Revolution and the most severe area of reverse urbanization is located in Laiwu County, Tai ‘an Prefecture, and it is naturally impossible to avoid the emergence of a large number of "citizens" who have returned to the countryside to settle down.

Their presence made the villages a little nervous about the quota reduction.
Returning to rural areas, families of urban residents are eager to get citizenship and land, which is quite a test for the imperial grass-roots government.
At this time, Su Yonglin played a comparable role in setting up rural peasant associations, and county officials and state officials were not grateful for the current situation of grass-roots organizations all over the county.
Village farmers’ associations, township farmers’ associations and county officials often get together to discuss solutions. This village claims several families, and that village claims several families. Anyway, it will take three months to solve this wave of population return
This wave of return has brought about a shortage of rural places and a large-scale reduction of urban population.
In the background of the great revolution, the original landlord and gentry class in the city was cleaned off on a large scale, and their whole family was wiped out by the court physics. In addition, the citizens were lost in some cities, which almost became a city of people.
The gentlemen sent the citizens a bucket and ran away, leaving a large number of houses in the county seat and becoming the main house.
Among them, in addition to the original houses of citizens, a large number of houses of gentlemen were confiscated by the court as state-owned property.
It is a pity that there are a large number of real estate registration cases in the imperial court, but wealth cannot be realized and re-entered the circulation field.
But this era has killed the lords, and there is really no taker who can take over the rooms in the city.
Except for the local governments at all levels and some major commercial cities, the whole country’s cities have experienced a wave of population loss. If there is a big housing market this year, the housing market must have completely collapsed and the whole society is in violent turmoil.
However, fortunately, big countries and rural areas, a huge economic base, have successfully achieved a soft landing of the economy without causing any major chaos.
At present, in most cities, except for officials, clerks and some handymen employed by the government, there are only a few small traders and hawkers who specialize in their business, and almost no one has returned to the countryside. The city is slightly "desolate"
Under such a big background, Fang Zhiqiang persuaded Xiao Cui, which is a matter of course. Of course, he didn’t think it was good to live in the city. He didn’t see many big living people living together and there was no one to talk to. What’s good about not being lively at all?
But XiaoCui listened to is a thrill.
Should I say that she really thinks the city is nice? If possible, she is willing to move to the city and buy a small house to bring her mother and brother to live in the city.
Because there are such people in her workshop.
In her workshop, there are some cases in which male workers and female workers look at each other and get married, which is not uncommon in recent years.
Xiao Cui knew a couple of married men and women workers.
Because most of the workshops are closer to the city, it is not appropriate for some couples to continue to live in the dormitory of the workshop after marriage.
As soon as the two parents combined, they joined forces to buy a property in the county town and their new house.
Because of the small population and a large number of people returning to the countryside to live, many properties have been sold in the county, but the buyers are relatively few.
So some very good properties also need to be cheaper, and the price is even a sale. It is not difficult for them to buy a property.
The young couple took out their savings wages, and the two families took out a little money from the income from agricultural production, and together they made up the house price. After getting married, the young couple left the factory dormitory and lived in a new house in the county.
When they got married, they invited good workers in the workshop to have a wedding banquet, and Xiao Cui followed them, saw the new houses in the city, and then witnessed the happy life of working together every day after they got married.
This young couple’s workshop is not a pair of two pairs.
However, almost all married families of male and female workers chose the county town to buy real estate and then moved to the county town. Since then, the county town workshop has lived a stable life at two o’clock and one line.
Their way of life is quite different from that of their ancestors. They don’t live in the fields, and they dig and eat from the fields by farming land. They like workshops, and they choose to live in the county by relying on the wages of workshops.
They became new citizens.
Xiao Cui seems that although there are fewer people in the county, it is "desolate", but it is also because of this that the house is cheaper.
In the past, it was cheaper for civilians to live in small houses, and she was asked to work hard and save money by paying wages in the workshop. In a few years, she could save money to buy real estate.
Xiao Cui clenched his fist and made up his mind.
She will rely on her own efforts to save money to buy a house and then live in the county with her mother and brother to get rid of that hateful alcoholic father.
In the future, it is better to support them with factory wages or ask an instructor to find a cook for her mother.
When my brother grows up, he can also enter the workshop. At that time, the workshop workers of a family of three will receive three salaries, which is absolutely enough to live.
Xiao Cui is planning a happy life style for a family of three in the future, and then gritting his teeth and trying to save money.
She didn’t just say that she really made a plan and worked hard.
The original form of wages in textile workshops is hourly wages, that is, wages are paid to workers every day according to attendance, which has won people’s support.
After running for a while, it was too cumbersome and the demand for manpower was too high. After that, it was paid every ten days, and then it became twenty days, and finally it was paid once a month. The wage regulations have never changed.
By the first year of Hongwu, due to dissatisfaction with the production efficiency of a large number of public workshops and the huge demand gap between the army and some markets, Su Yonglin led the formulation of the workers’ wage reform bill to change the hourly wage system to the semi-piecework wage system.
That is to say, workers’ wages are divided into two parts, one is the original hourly wage, the other is the piece-rate wage, and the other is the production efficiency.
Su Yonglin hopes to ensure the most basic fair distribution, increase workers’ enthusiasm for production, improve work efficiency and reduce working hours before making workers have too much income gap.
Sure enough, after changing the half-piece wage system, the productivity of factory workers has greatly increased. The productivity of workers in Puhongwu three years is much higher than that in the previous year.
Xiao Cui’s Laiwu National Textile Workshop is one of the earliest workshops to implement the semi-piecework wage system.
In this case, Xiao Cui is prepared to give full play to her subjective initiative and get a higher salary.
Chapter 94 I support you!
In addition to the semi-piecework wage system, the textile workshop will also evaluate the production pacesetter every quarter.
From the two dimensions of production quantity and production quality, the top three can get material rewards. This high living standard of outstanding workers promotes everyone to continue to hone their skills.
In addition, the workshop will hold some competitions from time to time, such as embroidery competition, cooking competition, singing competition, literacy competition, etc., which require workers to be serious and nervous, and to have a lively atmosphere and relax in production activities.
You can also get material rewards if you can win the top three in every game.
Not much, but it’s a pleasure after all.
It’s good to have extra income to make people feel happy and relax.
So Xiao Cui intends to give full play to his subjective initiative and push forward the progress of buying a house by these extra ways of obtaining money.
After making up her mind, Xiao Cui grew up quickly, and the speed of light became a workshop. Wang Juan, a group of textile women workers older than her, were miserable.
Not to mention the piece-rate salary, Xiao Cui’s hard-working drive is really shameful.
Four times a year, Xiao Cui, the production pacesetter, can get at least three times the first one, and that one will definitely be the second one and will never fall to the third position.
Xiao Cui has never fallen out of the top three queues in literacy contest, embroidery contest, cooking contest, singing contest and so on.
She is simply a king of textile coils, a versatile producer, and has been praised by the workshop instructor and the county Fuxing Branch for many times. She is the key praise of the textile woman in the workshop.
So last year, Xiao Cui, 15, was promoted to the management level by the squadron leader of the first production squadron of the workshop because of her excellent production performance and hard work and hard work.
After becoming the squadron leader, she did not hesitate to learn her own skills, and awarded her fast and good textile technology to the first production squadron so that everyone could learn her textile technology.
So soon the upgrade volume of the first production squadron will
Xiao Cui, the roll king, led the charge and won the title of [production pacesetter squadron] of the textile factory of the year in one fell swoop, and the production quantity and quality were riding the dust, which his production squadron could not worship.
Xiao Cui has achieved unprecedented success. Many people in the whole workshop of Yangming County Fuxing Association have heard of her name.
Xiao Cui has achieved success and her personal savings have also been increasing.
She is frugal and unwilling to buy things. His little sisters like some beautiful cloth, shoes and candy. She never buys them and stores them as soon as she gets paid to buy a house.
She often asks people to go to Laiwu county to ask about the house price, search for the real estate on sale, choose the real estate she likes, and then compare the speed of accumulating money by herself.
She feels that in two years, she will be able to save enough money to buy a nice real estate.
Then she can pull her mother and brother out of the fire pit and live a good life with them.
It really makes her heart to see her dream come true.
As a result, the man appeared again at this stall and brought news that made her feel more desperate and hated.
But if only that man Xiao Cui wouldn’t be so heartbroken, it happened that she wanted to pull out of the fire pit, and her mother actually wanted to cooperate with the man who beat and scolded her for most of her life to pull her into the fire pit.
Xiao Cui looked up at the sky and held back her tears. She bit her lip and persisted for a long time before she barely stopped crying and burst its banks.
She got up and took out a wooden box from the innermost hole in the bed, holding it in front of her mother and beating it.
Xiao mother saw a thick stack of white bars symbolizing copper coins in the wooden box at a glance.
So many white bars?