12 mins read

Because of this, Xu Ren directly arranged these two large arrays this time.

Chapter nine hundred and forty-five Recognition
From the allied forces in the north and the west attacked the two dynasties in the east to the present, Geshu has become a strange figure. Although it seems that the monks have made more efforts and are more dazzling, everyone knows that the command and dispatch of Geshu is the key.
Ge Shu has never been a conformist. After every battle, he will adjust his strategic deployment to adapt to more unexpected changes in the battlefield.
In addition, Ge Shu is also a person who is good at catching opportunities. Xu Ren gave him a great indication after a small lure, and only then did he build a path behind him.
Nowadays, GeShu has changed its former attack strategy and directly launched an attack on the five claws after midnight.
The lights on the five-claw city head are just to avoid being suddenly attacked by the allied forces in the north and the west led by Geju.
It’s a pity that even though they had already taken precautions, the defenders of the Blue Moon Dynasty with five claws still suffered when they ordered the allied forces in the north and the west to attack because of their incomplete implementation.
Not only suffered, but also suffered a lot.
The siege equipment of the allied forces in the north and the west was so powerful that several stones smashed the city head with five claws.
Claw ShouJiang also some unprepared for this situation, so nai can also let ghosts and demons appear before.
Ghosts and monsters didn’t feel anything wrong with their appearance before. After all, it’s still night, when their fighting capacity is strongest.
Many ghosts think that the Coalition forces in the north and the west have no brains. At this time, challenging them, these ghosts from the ghost domain, is to die.
Although they don’t know what the specific plan of the northern and western allied forces is, they also think that the northern and western allied forces attacking the five claws at this time is to die
After the appearance of ghosts and demons, the siege equipment of the northern and western allied forces was much smaller.
However, Ge Shu is indifferent to this. There are ghosts and demons with five claws. There are also monks in the northern and western allied forces, and those monks also have their own means to restrain ghosts and demons
Of course, at night, when the siege encounters ghosts and demons, the monks in the northern and western allied forces still suffer some losses
Therefore, Xu Ren also had to come forward and release his own means of transforming the stars on Sunday.
The theory of the formation of the stars on Sunday is that the brothers of the Yin and Yang Dynasties with five claws are entrenched or those ghosts and demons. Xu Ren feels that the pressure has increased a lot this Sunday.
This is not finished. To deal with those ghosts and demons, Xu Ren also arranged several large arrays of true yang and evil spirits and fierce Cindy Yang fire.
The superposition attack of two large arrays has caused a lot of obstacles and damage to ordinary ghosts.
In the face of such a situation, the high-order ghosts and demons in the Five Claws can’t just watch, although they are confident, so some high-order ghosts and demons have appeared one after another, even some demons and demons have boarded Chengtou.
Real Xu Ren would cast so many means not only to deal with those low-order ghosts, but also to force those high-order ghosts and demons to make moves earlier.
After those high-order ghosts and demons made moves, the Godsworn Yuan Yingjing, a coalition of northern and western countries, went beyond Yuan Yingjing, and the big Godsworn also made moves.
Of course, those repairs went beyond Yuan Ying’s big sword repair and didn’t make moves.
There is no need to make moves to realize that several people have gone beyond Yuan Ying’s great sword repair.
Although the battlefield between the northern and western allied monks did not occupy any advantage, there was no sign of rout. Whether it was the military god’s skill or Xu Ren’s idea at this time, it was time to delay.
The monks in the northern and western allied forces should resist the ghosts and demons and attack at night, and then they can successfully regain their disadvantages at dawn.
Although all this will not be as easy as it is said, the monks in the northern and western allied forces will not give up easily
Some of the weaker northern and western allied monks can’t hold on, but they have lightning, and those lightning have the special property of leaving the fire in the south. If they are contaminated with ghosts and demons, they can do great damage to them.
Some ghosts and demons didn’t realize that the terrible place of lightning with the attribute of leaving the fire in the south didn’t have enough precautions, so they were not only bombed by lightning, but also contaminated with the fire in the south.
Then Nanlihuo was covered in ghosts and demons, and I knew that something was wrong. I quickly ran my own strength to resist Nanlihuo burning.
It’s a pity that these low-level ghosts and demons are far from being so powerful. They put out the fire in the south and spent most of their strength to bring in the monks of the northern and western allied forces, and how can they resist?
With the muffled thunder rolling in the north and the west, the friar of the Coalition forces shot the five elements of lightning ofuda, which consumed most of the power before it was smashed, ghosts and demons.
The ghost and the inferno were burned by the south from the fire, and most of the power has been lost. If it can resist the attack of the five elements of lightning, it will be directly settled by the five elements of lightning.
And when the ghost is set in place, it is a nightmare. At this time, the monks of the northern and western allied forces have offered a lot of pure yang and evil-breaking symbols. Plus, Xu Ren has arranged a large array of ghosts that can also be swallowed up.
The inferno is a little better, because whether it is a large array of true yang and evil spirits, or the pure yang and evil spirits in the hands of monks in the north and west are not particularly influential to them.
But even so, it doesn’t mean that the inferno can escape from ascension.
Although the monks of the northern and western allied forces didn’t have a symbol, they still had lightning.
Xu Ren decorated a large array of truly yang and evil spirits. Although it is not strong for these infernos, there are still fierce Cindy Yang flames.
Therefore, these demons did not escape the fate of falling in the end.
The fall of this inferno and ghost is just a small corner of the five-claw offensive and defensive war.
Similar things are happening elsewhere.
Of course, even if the Coalition forces in the north and the west are properly connected, they are very skilled, but they are not without accidents.
There would be no undead in the war, and the war continued to the present, and the allied monks in the north and west also lost a lot.
Ge Shu and Xu Ren are very distressed about this. They don’t know how many ghosts and demons the Blue Moon Dynasty has made, but the number of monks is limited. According to the current situation, it is unclear whether the monks can finally resist those ghosts and demons from the ghost domain.
Xu Ren also can’t sit back and watch the loss of the northern and western allied monks.
So he put a lot of lingshi into the array of Zhenyang’s evil-destroying charm, so that the array of Zhenyang’s evil-destroying charm can play a stronger and more lasting attack power.
Real worry is not only GeShu and Xu Ren’s five-claw blue moon dynasty defenders are more worried than they are, but also those ghosts and demons behind the inferno are worried at the moment.
Of course, their worry is not that their own side has lost more demons and ghosts, but that their own side has failed to kill many monks in the northern and western allied forces.
For the demon king and the ghost king, even if those demons and ghosts can spell one to one among the monks in the northern and western allied forces, the final victory will definitely be them.
It’s a pity that these demons and demons have a good idea, but the situation has not developed as they expected.
With the arrangement of Xu Ren’s large array of truly yang destroying evil spirits and fierce Cindy Yang fire array, the loss of demons and ghosts has not decreased, but has increased.
If we really follow this trend, it is estimated that the first fight will be those demons and ghosts, not the monks in the northern and western Coalition forces
As a result, the ghost king and the devil king were naturally anxious, so they all rushed to Chengtou in person.
This time, the number of five-claw demons and demons is still twenty, and the ratio is also fifteen demons and five bone demons.
This result also made Xu Ren feel a little surprised. Perhaps the sending array method mastered by the Ghost Sect and the Bone Sect is not as strong as Xu Ren thought. Maybe they want to send high-order demons and ghosts to Shenzhou Day, which is not so easy. It takes a lot of money or a certain time to send a demon king or ghost king to Shenzhou Day.
Of course, this time, the strength of the ghost king and devil king with five claws appeared stronger than that of the ghost king and devil king encountered before the Coalition forces in the north and west.
Five of the fifteen ghost kings reached two, six, five, seven and seven.
Among the five bone demons, there is one five-bone demon king, two six-bone demon kings and two seven-bone demon kings.
Judging from the array, whether it is the ghost king or the bone demon king, their strength has increased a lot.
Not to mention there are many nine demons and nine bones demons.
However, on the number of ghosts and bone demons, the number ratio has not changed, and it has remained three to one.
The powerful demon king and the ghost king have appeared, and those who have gone beyond Yuan Ying’s territory in the northern and western allied forces should naturally play.